William Briganti
1 min readNov 24, 2021


Our world is setup for us to be the worker bees. Making more and more money for the billionaire owners These companies, for the most part, treat their workers like trash but spin everything so it appears they are the victims. It's bullsh$t. year in and year out management tells their employees no raises then the CEO and everyone else with a stupid "C" in front of their title receives millions in bonus. and for what reason? who saved the company the most money by screwing the employees the most?

For me, I still believe in hard work and giving 100% while on the clock. What I'm done believing in is working through my lunch break, answering emails before or after work and being at the ready to solve any and all issues (even if they aren't my responsibility).

I'm ready to put all my effort into my side hustle and wear as many hats as needed. No longer is my hard work going to support pennies on my dollar. It will be fully invested into myself and help me earn true freedom.

Society wants us to stay in our 9-5 lives because it is the ultimate form of control. Keep the rich richer and everyone else barely holding on for life and blinded into believing that we are succeeding. Don't be fooled

